She will be loved

Sunday, Jul. 13, 2003

do white trash not need to mail things?

I'm totally exhausted, I rode my bike for an hour and a half. I went to my bank (Yes, a bank open on Sunday! Finally someone thinking of customer convenience!) because I needed to deposit my paycheck and mail some stuff. On their website, the USPS lists my bank as branch location. When I asked the teller about it, she acted like it was the most absurd thing she had ever heard. She told me what she thought was the closest one and I went there. That was fine, although I was pretty annoyed that this area doesn't have a closer mailbox. I just needed to mail some normal stuff, I shouldn't have to trek that far. How hard is to put a mailbox on a corner?

Then I went to Walmart and got the stuff I was intending to get at CVS plus two boxes of Junior Mints. I spent the next hour or so riding around the subdivisions in the area. That was interesting, socio-economically. There are some very nice homes and plenty of stuff that's about a half step above a trailer. Lots of nice cars, though. One trailer-y house with Christmas lights arranged like an American flag in their window had a beautiful Jaguar in their driveway. Where is the line drawn between white trash and high class?

Not that there's anything wrong with white trash!

I rode my bike past the pool, it seemed pretty full. I'll use it one of these days.

Now I have to decide whether to make the CDs or clean my room. I think the room wins, my brain hasn't recovered enough from the endorphins to think of playlists.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: XTC - Oranges and Lemons: The Loving
Drinking: diet pepsi twist

before after

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