She will be loved

Sunday, Jul. 20, 2003

domestic life

My mom called tonight. She was killing time while sitting in her car in the parking lot of Whole Foods, waiting for my sister.

She let me know that today is her and my father's anniversary. 40 fucking years, unbelievable! I told her it's too late to back out now but I don't think she got the joke. My family never really celebrated their anniversary (because most of us don't see it as a cause for celebration), but they usually go out to a nice dinner when they're getting along. So that's how they celebrated the big 4-0.

She gave me her recipe for meatloaf (which I then compared with a recipe online and did a fusion of the two), which I'm making right now. Yum, too bad it takes forever to cook. I'm actually cooking several things right now, meatloaf, mexican mac & cheese casserole, and hardboiled eggs.

I don't know where I'm getting the sudden urge to be domestic, it's been a long time since I've cooked like this. Maybe it was going to Ikea today that brought it out in me, made me want to do homey comfortable things. I can't wait to be a mom. Lucky Lucy.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: the fan above the stove
Drinking: diet pepsi twist

before after

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