She will be loved

Friday, Sept. 02, 2005

I can't read him

So I got a reply from him. Maybe he really is just dense and inconsiderate, I don't know. I guess it's pretty neutral and I should just focus on the XTC guy, who seems very nice. And if anything is meant to be with Kent, it will happen, but I think I need to just let go for now.

Hi Shoop,

I've been pretty busy since classes started. Work has been busy this week two, and I went out to dinner last night. I did put the IKEA chest together. I'm going to wash all the clothes in the old chest, and then get rid of it and replace it with the new one. I think I can just take the old one out by the dumpsters. I could probably even put it in the dumpsters, but that might take up too much room, especially since it's a 3 day weekend and the trash will probably pile up there anyway.

Well, I'm going to a friend's surprise birthday party in a little bit.

Talk to you soon.

- Kent

That's just babbling, why would I give a crap about that stuff? Avoid me all week and then go into detail about his laundry habits? Is he strange or is it just me?

I could go out to a happy hour tonight, I was invited by a coworker to hang out with her and her friends. I was totally ready to go, teeth brushed and makeup on, but then I realized that there was no way I would be able to overcome the temptation to smoke. I can't take the risk. Supposedly it takes 3 days to get the nicotine out of your system, and then after that the addiction is all mental. Or something like that. I'm close to 2 days right now, I can't risk it.

* * *

Now that I'm thinking about it maybe contacting him today was the appropriate thing to do, if as some of you suggested, he read my email literally. I told him that I knew he'd be busy with classes his first week, so I waited until the weekend to contact him.

I can't wait until the xtc guy emails me again, I want to stop thinking about Kent. Although I delight in thinking about the possibilities, I can't help myself.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Judge Judy
Drinking: nothing
Wearing: jeans, black shirt, white socks

before after

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