She will be loved

Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003

Health Stats

I went back to sleep after I wrote the last entry and didn't wake up until a little while ago. So I probably got 20 hours of sleep. It was so nice.


I've toyed with the idea of keeping a fitness/weight loss journal on diaryland for awhile now, but I'm not sure that I could commit to it. I love reading other people's and find them very inspirational but I'm scared that I'll start one and then give it up in two weeks.

So I've decided to keep a paper journal about health. It's a really beautiful book that I got at Borders. Black with a magnetic closure and the kanji for peace embossed on the front. The idea is for me to use it to keep thoughts about finding peace within myself. Not just weight loss, but "exercise, eating right, positive steps I've taken, inspirations, inspirational thoughts, and all things along the path to improving myself." I've actually been pretty good about writing in it, more dedication than most paper journals I've kept in the past couple of years.

Because my health is something that I'm totally focused on right now, I want to put on here all my stats that I'll be tracking in the book. My blood sugar results are awesome, you wouldn't even know that I have diabetes. The results of my cholesterol tests were pretty bad, but my doctor says that they might not be very accurate because I wasn't fasting before taking the test. I'll be retested in 3 months. Hopefully I'll be seeing some progress.

Current Goal
Weight 235.5 Below 200
Clothing size 22 14
Average blood sugar 101 Keep it there!
HbA1C 5.4% Keep it there!
Total cholesterol 259 Below 200
LDL 152 Below 100
HDL 46 Higher than 60
Triglycerides 301 Below 150
Thigh 25.5 inches Smaller
Upper arm 14.5 inches Smaller
Waist 50 inches Much smaller
Hips 49 inches Much smaller
Blood pressure 124 over 78 Keep it there

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
Drinking: diet pepsi twist

before after

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