She will be loved

Monday, Mar. 10, 2003

Damn CH and MHs

I cannot begin to describe how mindnumbing my work is today. What the company I work for does is research and maintain databases of healthcare facilities. One of my primary responsibilities is, ironically, mental health and chemical dependency centers. (Although it would be more ironic if that was Luka's responsibility because he has bigger problems with both than I do, but anyway.)

So anyway I'm preparing this big database of facilities to load into our system. Over 5,000 facilities. I've been looking at each of these in spreadsheet format to make sure that everything is standardized correctly, that the names and addresses aren't too long, and that each has all the necessary information. We have programs that do a lot of these tasks, but I still need to double check everything because the programs can't catch everything.

Normally this would be enjoyable for me, cause I'm weird like that. And it was enjoyable, for say the first 750 or so, but now I'm getting really really sick of it. And the thought that I'll be spending the next six hours doing this very same task is giving me a headache.

Yeah, I guess I'm ready for a new job.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Steve Miller Band - Rock'n Me
Drinking: diet coke

before after

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