She will be loved

Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003

Little bits

Sorry I haven't been writing, I haven't really been in the mood.


I peeped into my guestbook the other day and realized there are tons of entries there that I should have responded to. I sorry. Those of you that have signed, thanks for taking the time. I'll try to be more responsive in the future.


Work's been getting frustrating. I could elaborate, but I'm not really in the mood.


We have a new manager, I'm looking forward to working with him. Already he's been more interested in getting to know us personally than any of our past managers, and he's not even our official manager until next week. I've worked at this company for 7 months, I've had 4 managers.


My dad's in the hospital. Nothing unusual about that since he goes in at least once every month or two. My mom and sister are going to visit him tonight and I refuse to feel guilty about not joining them. Sheesh, why should I?


Yesterday I got an email from a recruiter who saw my resume on, he asked me to call him. I gave him a call and he told about this job he was working on as a Marketing Database Processor for a law firm. As he told me about it, I was practically jumping in my seat because it sounded so perfect for me. At the end of the day, I got an email from him saying that when he contacted them to set up an interview, they told him they had already hired someone. I'm almost positive that the person that they hired was this girl, Sarah, that I work with because it sounded almost identical to the job she was just hired for. Snotball. He said he'd keep me in mind for other jobs though, at least that's something.


I applied for a job as a statistician with the Census Bureau a week ago. I felt totally qualified for it, but I haven't heard back, so I guess I wasn't. I really really want to work for the government. I'm dying for some job security.


I need to do some serious cleaning this weekend.


I'm staying in tonight. Pizza or Chinese?


May I suggest reading Lucyvanpelt's diary? She's looking for friends.


I've been adding quite a few diaries to my buddy list lately. I'm trying not to be bitter that they don't add me back. In my mind, you should always be interested in the people that are interested in you. But then again, this is just one of the many reminders that I've had throughout my life that most people do not share that viewpoint. (There is one person who I haven't buddied back, but I don't think he really has read my diary. His entries are completely nonsensical.)

I bet it's karma for not responding to guestbook entries.


I think I'm going to join a bunch of diaryrings tonight.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: George Michael - Kissing a Fool
Drinking: diet pepsi twist

before after

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