She will be loved

Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003

9-7-96 (Japan)

Another entry from Japan. This was just after I arrived

September 7

10:25 PM Saturday - Japan
8:25 AM Saturday - US

I just called my mom and told her that I was okay, that I was having fun, and that I was getting along w/everyone. But after I got off the phone -in the student center- I went to watch Reality Bites in the student center w/some others then these girls. Forget it, what I am trying to say takes too long to explain. Basicly, what I am trying to say is that I get along w/people well when we are forced together, but not beyond that, on the social level. I wonder how to change that. I hope that things will change when my roommate gets here, whenever that is.

Today was good. They took us on a tour of Yuwa Machi. We went to two shrines, a garden, to the top of a mountain, to an onsen, and out to dinner w/the mayor. The onsen is a hot springs bath, which you take naked. At first, I wasn't going to take it, too self-conscious. But then I decided what the hell. I am so glad that I did it. It was very refreshing. And everyone was so concerned w/their body that they didn't care what others looked like. And the Japanese didn't stare at the Americans like we were told they would, in fact many of them smiled and seemed very happy to see us there. It's been a long day, hopefully tomorrow I will have more time to myself, I really need to write letters, I feel guilty. Plus, I should try to make my room look nice for when my roommate, Yuko, gets here. Maybe I should clean now, she could be here first thing in the morning for all I know.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Bon Jovi - Bed of Roses
Drinking: diet pepsi twist

before after

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