She will be loved

Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003


I ditched work early yesterday. I wasn't getting anything done and I just felt this huge urge to flee. Neither Kate nor Sean was there, so it was just me and Luka. He said he had my back, to leave my computer on and programs open so that it would look like I was still working. If Beth or anyone in management came by and asked about me, he'd say I just stepped out for a minute. He said he'd turn off everything in my cubicle when he left.

I only left about 40 minutes early. I was trying to leave earlier, but everytime I was about to go, someone would come by or I'd see someone in the hallway. Finally the coast was clear and I made my break. Freedom!

I got some tacos and some curly cheese fries (I never said that I didn't know why I wasn't losing weight) on the way home. Came in, fed Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee, then sat at the computer for some Diaryland time.

Diaryland was not being cooperative. Sick of error messages, as soon as I finished the fries I stuck the tacos in the fridge and got into bed. I thought I'd just be there awhile, get in some kitty cuddle time, maybe nap for an hour or two.

That was at about 6 PM. I just woke up, 11 hours later.

That's what I call an exciting Friday night!

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Wham - Heartbeat
Drinking: diet pepsi twist

before after

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