She will be loved

Friday, Mar. 07, 2003

kettle corn

I got a new template, obviously. I was getting kinda bored with the old and needed something fresh. I like this one because it's basic but it still reveals something about me. The background is the skyline of a dirty city. I think the designer did a great job on it. I never thought that I would see a template that I really liked, they all have too much going on that takes away from the actual journal entry, but this girl had lots of great ones to choose from.

I'm eating microwave kettle corn for breakfast, it's yummy. This is the first time that I've tried kettle corn and Mrs. Lucyvanpelt is all to blame. I never had any interest in this stuff before she told me that it tasted like those sweet popcorn balls that are popular around Halloween. Too too good.

Popcorn is probably not the best thing for a diabetic who tries to avoid carbohydrates to eat for breakfast, but oh well. I've eaten regular microwave popcorn for breakfast for the past two days and my blood sugars have been totally great, 108 on Wednesday and 101 on Thursday. I think it's all the exercise that I've been doing that is keeping them so low. Shit, I've been doing at least a half hour, sometimes as much as 2 and a half hours, of exercise a day for over a month, so I should be getting some benefit from it. It's not like I've been losing weight or going down in clothing sizes or anything, at least I know it's making me healthy in some way.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Luka talking on the phone, possibly to his bitch
Drinking: diet coke

before after

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