She will be loved

Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003


Ya know the phenomenon where as soon as you wash your car, it rains/snows/you're forced to drive through a mud pond? The same thing happens with cats. Crazy but true.

I took my boys to the vet yesterday for their yearly physicals. After she's done with their checkups, she asked me about their behavior. Any strangeness? Are they drinking and urinating regularly? Any pooping problems? Blah blah blah. Oh yeah, they're great, I tell her, no problems.

So now, for the past 20 minutes Beav has been moaning like he's being castrated because he has a painful poop that won't come out. In between his howls from the pit of his stomach, he's been racing back and forth between the litter boxes in the dining room and the bay windows in the living room. Flying around digging his hind legs in the floor for power like a speed skater digging his skates in the ice.

Couldn't this have happened the day before I brought them in instead of the day after?

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Beatles - Penny Lane
Drinking: diet pepsi twist

before after

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