She will be loved

Friday, Jan. 31, 2003

can't handle it today

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate people? Well, there are some people I like, and a select few I love, but there are very few that I can tolerate. Every voice and personality is sending me over the edge this morning. Just shut up! Don't talk like a baby when you're in your late 20's! Go away! Let people work in silence! Everyone in the area does not need to know what you did last night! But for fuck's sake, don't whisper! Nothing is worse than whispering in the workplace! Nothing sets paranoia higher!

Damn, it's only 9:42 AM and I'm already feeling this way, not a good sign for the day ahead.

Maybe I'm just annoyed because everyone around me is talking but no one wants to talk to me.

Oh well, I dug this hole.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Obviously, people talking

before after

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