She will be loved

Thursday, Jan. 16, 2003

1-27-98 (Dave A)

Another entry from the past. Continuing the Dave obsession. Oh, at this time I lived in an old house that had been converted into three rundown apartments. Jen lived in the apartment above me and was also in the race relations class at WSU with Dave and me.

1-27/28 12:10 AM

Ugh. I am so obsessed. Right now, Dave is upstairs in Jen's apartment. He was only supposed to be here to pick up a movie for their group project, but we came home almost two hours ago. They better be up there working on their project and not working on each other. Shit, what a slap in the face that would be. I'm sitting in the living room so that I can hear when he leaves. This is pretty pathetic, but not as pathetic as what I was doing earlier. I wanted to be in the hallway when he left, so I kept bringing Beavis upstairs so that I could pretend that he had ran out the door. I finally gave up on that. Then I put a string around Beavis's neck as a leash and took him to play in the snow. But I gave up on that, too. Which is good b/c we would've been playing for a long time b/c that was 2 hours ago. I can't believe he's still here, WHAT ARE THEY DOING?!? I just can't believe that he's finally in my house and I'm not using it to my advantage, Gwen and Kelly will be so disappointed in me when I tell them this. Of course, if I were them, I wouldn't have to stoop so low in the first place. I can't believe my life, I think I should cry now.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: commercials on the tv in the background

before after

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