She will be loved

Friday, Dec. 13, 2002

fuck me

I just scribbled this note to myself in my work journal, but I'm going to rewrite it here so that I can throw that page away and not have to look at it again.

I hate myself. I want my life to be over. I'm sick of trying to be normal and feeling like a failure because I can't fit in with others. I can't deal with my loneliness anymore. I just can't take it.

I wish that I could flirt and be interesting like all the people that sit around me. But I'm just not that way. I'm never going to be comfortable.

Normally, I save my crying for the end of the day. Not today. I guess I should stop the tears from streaming down my cheeks and snot from running out of nose. Be professional. Don't be a baby.

But why bother? No one cares anyway.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: him talking on the phone

before after

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