She will be loved

Thursday, Dec. 12, 2002

6 drinks and I didn't even get a hug

Nothing happened. I had six drinks but I didn't make a fool of myself. After I left the party, I started crying. Normally, I'm a quiet crier, people around me never notice the tears running down my face. Not last night. I pretty much sobbed the whole bus and train ride home. I didn't care. I felt worthless and that there was no point in even trying to be normal anymore. I shouldn't get into it now, the day has just begun. I'm a little better today. So far.

Got the word of diaryland meetups from Harakari and it sounds really cool. I'm going to try the Chicago one. I'll probably be ten years older than the other people, but that's okay.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: typing around me

before after

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