She will be loved

Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2002

bring on the buzz

Our building is having a holiday party tonight that I'm really looking forward to. It's for all the commercial tenants of the building and on the 94th floor observatory. Oh so cosmopolitan.

Banquet food and open bar, I can't wait. I plan to drink a lot. A lot. Not that a lot is a lot for me. I need to drink twice what the normal person does to even get a buzz. But when I get my buzz on, there go my inhibitions.

I can't wait to get silly and flirty with a certain someone. Pray that something happens.

Okay, something will definitely happen, no doubt about it. Hopefully that something won't be me making an ass out of myself and confessing all my feelings. So pray that something good happens.

Aw man, he just stopped by my desk for a minute and left the scent of his cologne lingering. Be still my beating nostrils.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: one of teammates getting back from his cigarette break and muttering to himself

before after

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