She will be loved

Monday, Dec. 02, 2002


Oh my goodness, he looks so delicious today. And he's wearing cologne, which he never does, and it smells so good.

I went to Target last night with my sister and there was a display of Axe cologne, ya know the one with the commercial where the nerdy guy keeps getting jumped (dammit, I can't think of a better word) by all these people who find his scent irrestible. I smelled all of them (there were a couple of scents), and although they didn't smell as fabulous as I thought they would, they still smelled pretty good. And I remember thinking, "damn too bad the boy never wears cologne, but it's a good thing cause I might have to attack him." And what do you know, today he's wearing some. Is this a sign that I'm meant knock him against the wall and kiss him up and down? Too much of a coincidence not to be some type of sign.

Mmm, if only he knew what he does to me.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: a radio in the cubicle to the left and typing in the cubicle to the right

before after

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