She will be loved

Monday, Dec. 02, 2002

I just ate a Tootsie Roll and my teeth hurt

Why is it that everyday between 2 and 5 I want to curl up in a ball and cry?

Why is it that at this time everyday I am suddenly hit by the emptiness of my life?

Is it because of him and knowing that my time with him for the day is almost over? And the end of every workday signifies the end of another chance to be closer to him. Another lost chance at happiness redemption feeling alive.

He is not the problem. The problem is the emptiness in my heart and the intense need for affection. Every crush is symbolic to me as the chance to end my pain.

So everyday that I go home with tears in my eyes, it is not due to my need for him, it's due to my need for love. But he could fulfill that need.

So I cry for him.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: radios and typing around me

before after

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