She will be loved

Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2002


We've got a break now.

So the biggest problem for me is writing from work. Work is my life, so if I'm going to talk about anything, that's going to be it. Although I don't really have any problems with my coworkers, I like to bitch. So I can't help worrying that one of the computer people will read my bitching, then report it. Corporations are built by Big Brother.

And I worry that now that I've accessed my diary from work, they can read it anytime, no matter where I'm updating from.

What I really want to write about is a crush that I've developed on one of my coworkers. But I can't help being paranoid if I talk about it. It sucks, because I'm thinking about this person all the time, they're always on my mind. See, I don't even want to speak in gender specific terms.

Aw geez, break over.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: whir of computers

before after

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