She will be loved

Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002


I have a confession to make, I've been sabatoging myself financially. I've been letting the bills pile. There's a stack of them on the table next to my front door. I set them there when I come in and then just not think about them again. Like somehow, if I don't open or acknowledge them, they won't be due. It's probably been over two months since I've paid any bill but credit card, rent, and Cobra. I should glad I still have any utilities. There's also bills for my two hospital excursions that I had this summer. This could be very painful.

I just haven't been able to handle any kind of responsibility this summer. I'm always depressed, but it's like the suddenness of my job loss sent me into a depressive shock. My antidepressants keep me from getting me from getting emotional, but I wonder if that just causes the pain to seep into other areas. So I ignore people, I ignore bills, I ignore litter boxes, I binge, I smoke pot constantly, I live surrounded by garbage, and I let my sink, stove, and small countertop overflow with dirty funky dishes.

I can't get it together.

So now I'm about to peer into the pile. I deserve whatever damage there is.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Todd Rundgren/The Very Best of.../Bang the Drum All Day

before after

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