She will be loved

Friday, Aug. 16, 2002


I got a new state ID today. I feel I look so much more attractive when I don't smile, so I try to take official pictures that way. It didn't go as well as planned today, I ended up looking like an Anne Ramsey character or a prison warden. Come to think of it, I think Anne Ramsey played a prison warden. Or maybe I'm thinking of the woman who played the chubby gym teacher in the the Porky's movies. I get those two mixed up sometimes.

Anyway, it's such a relief to get a new ID, I've been putting it off for so long. I've been using my passport for like ever. The building I'll be working in (on Monday!) has really tight security and in order to get a pass to operate the elevators, you need to leave your license or ID with them. But for the four (4!) interviews that I had with them, I've only had my passport and they aren't allowed to take that from you. But they still let me in the building anyway, acting as if they doing me a big fucking favor, and escort me to the elevator where they use their elevator pass to let me go up. So anyway, now I won't have to deal with that hassle. Although now I'll probably get an employee ID card or something like that.

I'll be working (on Monday!) in a very prominent building in the city. If terrorists decided to strike Chicago, I'm sure this building would be one of the targets. That thought's crossed my mind a number of times. After the attacks last year, I was sure that Chicago would be the next attacked. I'm not quite so paranoid now, but I would have been terrified if I'd worked in that building last year.

Yeah, I got a state Id. Yeah, I'm 26 and I've never had a license. Got a problem with that?

Actually I don't mind not being a driver, it adds to my quirks. Someday, I will have enough to be considered eccentric. It is my goal.

(Damn, I keep trying to post this, but keep getting error messages. Something must be up with Diaryland. I guess Fridays at this time are probably usually busy. Ya know, all those teenagers rushing home from their hot dates to make curfew. Now they're just settling in to write about their nights. Bitter? A bit.)

(I just touched my underwear and I realized that I've been wearing them backwards all day. Ever have that happen? Does this mean I can still wear them on the other side before I wash them?)

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Joe Jackson/Greatest Hits/Nineteen Forever

before after

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