She will be loved

Sunday, Aug. 18, 2002

Fortune telling

Last night, my sister and I went to our cousin's, who's an astrologer, house to have our charts read. It was interesting, although I didn't understand too much of it. It's much more scientific than I imagined it to be and you have to understand geometry, degrees and angles. Science and geometry, two of my worst subjects. It didn't reveal too much about me, but it gave positive predictions for my new job, yay. I guess this job will lead me to happiness and fulfillment, although there will be some challenges. If I don't take criticism and challenges too personally, which is a big problem for me, then I will prosper. And I need to refocus my energies on health, like I was before I lost my job. Definitely.

She also read our tarot cards, I understood that much better. Love is not in the future for me, at least not anytime within the next six months. Boo! Hiss! But I will find true love, once I overcome my childhood demons and get over my inner-hatred. I hope so, although that could take forever. A relationship with Steve is not in the cards, damn! I need to focus on job and health, these are what will give me personal strength. Once I devote myself to these areas, I will find satisfaction in the others. Not too bad of a reading, except that I want sweetness and kisses and intimacy NOW!

My sister and I got home at 6 AM. I wasn't sure what to do about sleep. If I slept, I might sleep all day and then not be able to sleep tonight. But I knew if I tried to stay up, I would still crash eventually. I went to sleep after awhile and then woke up a little before noon. I hope to be able to go to sleep tonight before midnight. I need to be well-rested for tomorrow. My first day! I bought some Unisom at Walgreen's, I'll probably use that for help.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Joe Jackson/not sure which CD/It's Different for Girls

before after

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