She will be loved

Thursday, Aug. 15, 2002


Feeling kinda blah, not too much to say. I worked in my parents' yard today, trimming hedges. It made me feel so powerful, to hold this huge saw in my hands, hacking things down. A far as yard work goes, it was pretty fun. The only annoying thing is that my parents live on a slightly busy street, so people were constantly driving by, so I always felt like I was being judged.

Ya know, I hate this judgement anxiety. Everyone judges everyone, I should just fahgeddaboutit. But I can't. Therapy doesn't help, at least not the therapy that I receive. Maybe I'll be forced to get a new therapist when I get my new insurance. That would be nice, to see a new person without the guilt of rejecting the old one.

Can't think of too much to say, maybe later.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: VH1 - Hips, Lips, and Genderbenders

before after

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