She will be loved

Sunday, Aug. 04, 2002

It's always my fault

I feel like I've been on diaryland all day, I've posted so many times. I guess I'm just an addict. I figured out how to create a diaryring and put up four new ones. There are now rings for XTC, Roxy Music, Minidisc, and Mad TV. Please join them if you are so inclined.

I have a feeling that Kelly is totally pissed at me. Okay, so she was supposed to leave for Michigan this weekend, but she didn't know when because she had to find someone to take her cat (long story!). The last time that I talked to her was on Friday, when I was supposed to hang out at her house. I didn't go over, because I was being a bitchy bum, but I told her if she had no plans for Saturday night, she could hang out with my sister and I.

When I got home last night, there was a message from her on my machine. Now she could have easily called me at my sister's, she knows if I'm not here, I'm there. I accidentally deleted the message before I heard it, and I hadn't even been drinking or smoking, that never happens! So I don't know what she said, but my caller ID said she was calling from her boyfriend's apartment. So I called her house, left a message saying sorry, but I accidentally deleted the message, please call me tomorrow. I told her I was going to work at my mom's (which I ended up not doing) at 2, so call before then.

Today, there was no call before 2. I called her at maybe 4 or so, no answer, left a message to call me. I went online for a little while, then crashed on my couch. I slept until 6 (yes, my sleeping schedule is that fucked up) then got online until 9. Stayed off the computer from 9 until 10, since that is when she usually comes over on Sundays. Called her, no answer.

So... If she left for Michigan this morning, she'll blame me saying that I blew her off on Friday and Saturday. If she was here today, she'll say that she kept trying to call me but it was busy and she'll blame me. No matter what, I'll look like the bitch. I can't win!

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Threesome ST/Bryan Ferry-Is Your Love Strong Enough?

before after

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