She will be loved

Sunday, Aug. 04, 2002


I helped my mother in the garden today for over 3 hours, lots of weeding and watering. I can't believe how much I sweated, it was pretty nasty. My whole t-shirt was soaked through. I'm going back to help her tomorrow and she wants me to help her a couple of more days next week. Another reason to get a job, I don't know how long I'll be able to handle her doing her slave labor.

Yum yum. I'm watching Oz and Keller (Chris Meloni) just appeared for the first time this episode. I prefer him as Keller on Oz than as Stabler on Law and Order. But that's probably because I get to see him kiss men on Oz. I'm a little old to lust after actors, but damn is he lust-worthy!

Tonight was taco salad night at my sister's place. 'Twas good. My sister and I are so weird, we like our cats to be friends and bring them over to each other's places for play dates. I don't bring Beavis over there anymore, because he gets hella aggressive, but Huckie goes. I think he has fun over there, but it's hard to tell. I think her cats have more fun over at my place. I think Huckie has a hard time there because her condo is about 3X the size of my apartment, I think the size makes him anxious. He has much more fun when his friends come over to his house. Yes, my cats are my children.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Dennis Miller on HBO

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