She will be loved


Little pisser

For awhile now, my whole bathroom has smelled like cat piss. I finally found the spot, underneath the tub, right under where I put my head when taking a bath. I always assumed it was Huck, because I've had Beav for 5 years and, as far as I know, he's never done this kind of thing before.

Well, I was just going to the bathroom and Beav comes in, crawls under the tub, lefts his tail, and pisses all over the wall and floor. I can't believe that little fucker!

I've tried Swiffer Wet, I've tried bleach, I can't get the smell to go away.

I'm going to have to live in this apartment forever, I don't want my landlords to discover this!

Watching/Hearing/Listening to:

before after

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