She will be loved


Po' white trash

Last night the power went out for a couple of hours in the middle of the night. I was so pissed at first because I was watching something on TV, of course I don't remember what now, but at the time it felt like a catastrophe. But the real horror was losing the a/c and fan. Ugh! I still feel like I'm recovering from the stickiness.

I so need to take a shower right now. I'm too scared that something will happen to my back while I'm in there. Kelly is supposed to come over tonight, I wonder if I should just wait until she gets here, then take a shower, that way she can get me if I scream.

I'm pretty hungry right now, but my food is so limited. Let's see:

cut-up hot dogs with ketchup
scrambled eggs covered with cheese
mushroom soup with tuna and peas thrown in
package of Buddig turkey

The turkey won for the moment. I'll probably eat the hot dogs later.

Really, I'm not po' white trash. I'm just poor right now, and white trash food tastes good.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to:

before after

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