She will be loved

Monday, Dec. 22, 2003


I'm a chump.

A flake.

Committment is all relative.

I've felt plenty of guilt about not writing, but it's never been enough to make me actually sit down and write.

Laziness really.

Not that there's been much for me write about. Work has been stressful, not due to being overworked, but because of tension and office politics.

And work is basically my life. Other than that I don't do much of anything but lounge around the apartment and adore my cats.

I guess I need to figure out a way to meet people. I don't really feel a huge urge, I'm generally perfectly content being alone. But it shames me to think how others must perceive me for being alone. I always care too much what others think.

Anyway, I think that is a topic best explored at another time. It's pretty late, I'm going home for Christmas tomorrow, and I haven't even thought about what I'm going to pack.

I'll be back January 2nd. I hope a New Year will bring a renewed committment.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: The dryer
Drinking: the usual twist

before after

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