She will be loved

Thursday, Dec. 11, 2003

I need to be commited

Holy shit, it's me!

Discipline, discipline, discipline, that is what I need to enforce in my life. I need to commit myself to things and follow through on them. Committing's easy, it's the following through that's hard.

Maybe I'll get a jump start on New Year's and make my resolutions now. I've never actually been that big on resolutions, do I need more things to punish myself for? But, you know, it's the thing to do this time of year, so what the hecky?

Anyway, one commitment is exercise. Starting now!

(another is committing myself to keeping up with this journal)

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: I was listening to an Outkast medley I made, but now it's silent
Drinking: The Twist!

before after

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