She will be loved

Tuesday, Jun. 03, 2003

this is an outrage

Some fucker stole my fucking cup of fucking pens off my fucking desk!

It's obvious someone is still occupying this desk. There's all kinds of more interesting things to steal around here, why take someone's pens?

I want to send out an email, "Will the person who removed the silver cup filled with pens from my desk please return it immediately. No questions will be asked, I just want my pens back." I won't though, that would seem petty. Although not as petty as walking off with a cup of pens.


This must be what I get for going through the empty desks to find leftover change. But the difference is those desks were empty, people left that change behind.

Ya need a pen? Take one. Don't walk away with 50 of them!

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: fans
Drinking: diet coke

before after

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