She will be loved

Tuesday, May. 06, 2003

Oh the possibilities!

So last week Luka was asked if he'd be willing to take a trip or two out to PA for training new employees on our system and databases (he's actually a very smart guy and an excellent trainer). He's thinking about it while our manager looks into it with upper management to see what they could offer him.

So what does he say to me? "Yeah and you and I can slip into the woods and have a little smoke break." Mmm, my mind is racing with fantasies and possibilities. Woods, leaves, grass, being in an anonymous area, being far far away from his girlfriend.

I've heard him say to another friend before that he believes in an out of state rule, it's not cheating if you're in different states. He's also told me several times that he thinks kissing isn't cheating. If my senses are right and there is something of a mutual attraction, wouldn't that be the perfect time for something to happen?

These things won't happen, he may not even end up going out there, but just the tiny possibility is enough to put a smile on my face.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Paul walking to his cubicle
Drinking: diet coke

before after

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