She will be loved

Thursday, May. 01, 2003

fat nutty dorks

Not much to say, still very busy, as I probably will be until June when I get settled into the new job, apartment, life.

I met one of my new teammates today, she seemed nice, although possibly a bit nutty. Nutty is usually good, though. She's fat, that makes me happy. In the Chicago office, almost everyone is in their mid-20's, stylish, and trendy. Almost everyone that I've seen from PA is none of those things. That's good cause I'll feel less intimidated than I do here, but it's bad because my opportunities to meet people will probably be limited. But hey, who have I met here? I'll be much more comfortable in a place where I don't feel like I'm the queen of the anti-social dorks. Hopefully they'll be plenty of anti-social dorks there.

Anyway, back to work.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Some Creed song coming from Luka's radio
Drinking: nothing

before after

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