She will be loved

Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003

in praise of Old Navy

I took a walk over to Old Navy a little while ago and went a bit crazy. Fortunately the store is cheap, so I know I got my money's worth, it's just that I'm not exactly in the place to be going on shopping sprees.

The best thing about the excursion was getting a pair of jeans in the women's section. Unless I'm shopping at Lane Bryant or The Avenue, I've always had to buy men's jeans. And men's jeans always looked so clownish on me because of the length. These don't fit so well just yet, because they're a size 20, but they should in 2-3 weeks.

I'm just amazed right now that I'm able to buy clothes where normal size people shop. I don't think females who've never been over a size 16 can appreciate how good this feels. I don't doubt that everyone has body image issues, but the frustration and humiliation felt by larger large women who want to wear the same styles and brands as their friends is unique and, I'm finding right now, quite difficult to quantify. So I'll just say thanks to Old Navy for giving me a taste of clothing freedom.

Here's what I got:

9 tank tops: 2 white, 2 black, 2 light gray, 2 dark gray, and 1 green (men's section because they were each $5 cheaper than women's tanks, what's up with that?)

2 long sleeved t-shirts: 1 orange and 1 red (men's)

1 pair of dark blue boot-cut jeans (women's)

1 pair of light gray cotton exercise pants (women's)

A water bottle holder/purse - just what I needed for my lunchtime walks

All for just over $100, I couldn't even beat that price at Target!

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Journey - Girl Can't Help It
Drinking: nothing

before after

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