She will be loved

Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003

The party and my hero

The party was pretty good. I made sure to get fairly drunk at home first, so that made it a lot less stressful. There was no one there that I had any issues with, so that was good. A lot of people from Kelly's and my past, though. Well more from Kelly's past, I only say my past because I hung out with them while Kelly was dating/seeing/fucking them. Once, we were sitting around a table, there were probably 8 of us, and Kelly whispers to me, "I've been with 5 of the 6 people here." Shit. That would probably be about her average for the party, I'd say she'd been with about 80% of the people there, to some extent.

Fortunately one person that she hasn't been with is Matt. Matt is Kelly's boyfriend's, Tom's, old roommate. Matt is also a huge former crush of mine. My first mega crush ever, when I was in 7th grade and he was in 8th. That year I didn't have any friends in my lunch period so I would always sit by myself. He'd always come by and talk to me. I don't know why he started doing that, but he was just a really nice guy. He was also very popular, so that made me feel really cool. After awhile, I started hanging out with Lucy and her friends, and saw Matt less and less. I remember one time seeing him in the hall at his locker and him high-fiving me as I went by. That little contact thrilled me so much. After that, my hand smelled like him (his soap? cologne?) for the rest of the day and I remember holding my hand to my nose throughout english so that I could breathe his delicious scent in. I never saw him again after that year because he was sent to a different high school.

So I knew that Tom had been living with Matt before and that they were still friends now. Kelly used to drive me crazy with stories of hanging out with them. Not that she had any interesting stories, but it was just that she was hanging out with Matt. My Matt!

So I was very anxious knowing that he was going to be there tonight. The boy's a big part of my crush history, but I haven't seen him in 15 years. Had my hero fallen?

Nope, he was just as nice and as cute as he was back then. He didn't remember me, but we did reminisce about jr. high for awhile. I was hoping to be so drunk when I saw him that I would totally come on to him and he would have no choice but to kiss me. It didn't happen that way.

It was still a good night.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Depeche Mode - Clean
Drinking: diet pepsi twist

before after

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