She will be loved

Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003

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Okay, I think I'm satisfied with the new layout. The old layout is still showing up on my old entries, so I can't see if there are still quirks I need to work out, like how it looks with a really long entry or how pictures look. But I'm happy so far.

I stayed home from work yesterday. I really need to stop that, I'm becoming like Ferris Bueller. I just don't wanna be there, ya know? But I always try to get at least one thing done that I've been procrastinating on when I stay home. Yesterday it was my taxes.

My taxes totally depressed me. I thought income was supposed to increase with age. I made $44,000 in 2000, $35,000 in 2001, and $29,000 in 2002. This pattern better not continue or I'm screwed. Plus my refund is a third of what it was in the last two years. Sucks big time.

Tonight, Kelly and I are going to a party. An acquaintance of her's is having it and she'll know lots of people there. If I'm lucky, I won't know anyone. If I'm unlucky, it will be filled with people I wish I never knew. I have mixed feelings about going, but I don't really have a choice.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Smoking Popes - Pretty Pathetic
Drinking: diet pepsi twist

before after

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