She will be loved

Saturday, Feb. 22, 2003

Random thoughts

My parents have never bought a new car in their lives.

In the '80's, they once had a car so fucked up it exploded in flames while they were at a bridge game.

My mom drives a Lexus.

It's very attractive.

My father isn't allowed to drive it.

My father was once given a ticket for driving in bare feet.

There's been an old non-working ugly ass green car in my parents' garage for over 20 years.

I used to play doctor-like games in it when I was in grade school.

Those were the only times I've ever touched a penis.

There isn't any room in my parents' two car garage to park either of their two cars.

It probably isn't safe to enter that garage without a hardhat.

My sister inherited her ugly ass car from my grandmother 7 years ago.

It was made in '92 and doesn't have fully functioning turn signals.

She makes a lot of money but refuses to get a new car.

My brother rides a green motorcycle.

I've never had a license.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Lionel Richie - Hello
Drinking: slurping melted Haagen-Dazs Coffee ice cream

before after

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