She will be loved

Monday, Jan. 27, 2003


I'm really going to start focusing on my health again. I hate that weight loss is my biggest motivator right now, but my goal is to get down to 230 by my 27th birthday, February 17th. According to my piece of crap scale, that is anywhere from 8 to 13.5 pounds away. If I really focus, I think that I can do it. I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't, though. I know that it's healthiest to only attempt to loss 2 pounds a week, but I'm going to try for more than that. I also know that when you first start working out, you lose more weight because the body is shocked out of inactivity. Plus, there's that whole "I've lost 5 pounds but it's all water weight" phenomenon. So I don't think my goal is too unrealistic.

I think at 230, I'll fit comfortably in my interview suit again. But I might have to get back down to 220 to look as good in it as I did before.

So anyways, here are my resolutions until my birthday:

exercise everyday - walking, exercise tapes

lotsa water - chug chug chug

Not too hard. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Luka on the phone - probably with his bitch

before after

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