She will be loved

Monday, Jan. 06, 2003

cheap thrills

I know, I still need to write about Friday, but I don't have time to do it right now. But I'm feeling a bit of passive-aggressive triumph right now. Well not triumph actually, I don't know how to term it actually, other than feeling a bit of twisted pleasure.

Things were a bit more back to normal today, at least in the way we talked to each other. Eye contact is back, which is good.

Normally lunch is me, Luka (that'll be his new name) and George. Often there's more than the three of us, Ralph comes with a lot, but we're the three regulars.

So awhile ago, I overhear George telling Luka that he's going to work through lunch. Then I hear Luka scrambling to find someone else to go with us, so it isn't just me and him. I've heard him call quite a few people. But what's putting a smug smile on my face is that I have no plans to go to lunch today. I came in late and I need to leave right at 5, so no lunch today.

It gives me pleasure to know that he's getting all worked up and it's not even necessary. I don't know, it's the little things that make me happy.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Erasure/The Innocents/Yahoo

before after

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