She will be loved

Saturday, Nov. 23, 2002

I got the hook up

Woohoo! My DSL is working! It was installed on Wednesday and I've been trying to connect since then. I'd called tech support about it before, but only from work so I never could tell them exactly what the problem was. Today I finally called from home and had a tech support guy go over it with me while I was doing it. Now it works!


Yesterday I went to lunch with my boy and his friends. Each day he's been back, admittedly it's only been two days but anyway, he's asked me to lunch. I don't know if he somehow feels obligated to ask me or if he really wants me there. Well, I'm sure he wouldn't ask me if he didn't want me there, but I don't know if his friends want me there. It's weird being the only girl with 4 guys, I wonder if they feel they have to censor themselves around me. I wanted to tell them to go ahead and talk about blow jobs or whatever, don't mind me, but I didn't. Actually, I would have loved to hear about that stuff. They did talk about hockey and how much the Bears suck and that kind of stuff, during which I quietly ate my tostada pizza. That was really the only time that I felt out of place. Mostly it was pretty nice.

We sat across from each other and he kept tapping his foot on mine (which never moved so I doubt he knew he wasn't hitting the table). I got a perverse thrill from this. I'll tell ya, it doesn't take much to make me happy.

I hope he keeps asking me, but not if he feels obligated.

Last night Gwen came over for awhile, we ordered chinese. She says she's broken up with her boyfriend, we'll see how it turns out. Funny, now that they're not together, the sexual tension that I usually feel between her and I wasn't there. Oh well, I can only crush on one person at a time.

Later, Kelly joined us, then my sister came over awhile after that. We're all fiends. Nobody has much pot, but we all wanted to get high on Friday night, so we pooled our shit together. Worked well.

Gwen left about one, after awhile the rest of us all fell asleep where we were sitting. I slipped into bed and let them sleep where they were, Kelly on couch and sister on chaise. I have no idea when Kelly left, but my sister left at nine this morning. My place is always nice for crashing.

Tonight I'm going over to my sister's for taco salad, MadTV, and SNL. I'm not really in the mood, I need to get some energy.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Radio/94.7 The Zone/Nirvana - don't know the song

before after

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