She will be loved

Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2002

sick of sick

Gosh, I can't believe that it's been a week since I've last written, how time flies.

Actually, I've been sick. Last Wednesday, I started to feel horrible cramping and nausea. I left work early and vomitted as much as I could, but I still felt like crap. So I went to see my doctor that night. She felt all over my stomach to see where it hurt the worst and took some blood tests which revealed that I had a high white blood cell count. She doesn't think that it's my appendix, but it might be my gall bladder. So I have an appointment for a gall bladder ultrasound on Friday.

I've felt slightly better since then. The pain isn't unbearable anymore, just annoying. I feel really bloated and gassy, I occasionally get cramps that feel like they're menstrual, but not. A lot of this feels like a period that never comes.

Since last December, my health has been totally downhill. Starting with the diabetes, it has just been one thing after another. I'm sick of it! I'm 26, not 46!

So when I'm home, all I want to do is lay down. That's the main reason for my absence. Well, that and being a bum. Well, that and that and not having much to say.

Like now!

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: faint music from some far off cubicle

before after

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