She will be loved

Sunday, Sept. 01, 2002


I feel like I should add an entry, since I haven't in the past few days, but I'm not much in the mood to communicate.

Yesterday, I went to a family barbeque. It was nice. My mom's cousin had a pool. I swam. I had fun on the slide.

Kelly finally came home on Friday. Last night, after the barbeque, I went to her house and hung out with her and her friend, Christina. It was okay, Chris talked too much, but that didn't really bother me. I'm a good listener. But I got really annoyed a couple of times when I would start talking and then she would interrupt me and change the conversation. Very frustrating.

But actually, I enjoyed myself because I found Chris fascinating. She was fat. I'd like to say that she was fatter than me, but she probably wasn't, I'm never a good judge of such things. She talked for, literally, hours about her ex-boyfriends. For reasons that I doubt I can communicate into words, I'm always fascinated by fat girls with boyfriends. It's more admiration than jealousy. I wanna know what they've got. How did they get people to see past their stomach?

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: VH1 - Ozzy Osbourne Behind the Music

before after

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