She will be loved

Thursday, Aug. 08, 2002

A survey

I saw this survey on Lindsay's page and liked it so much I stole it.

1. 10 Bands You've Seen Live

Roxy Music, No Doubt, Weezer, Violent Femmes, The Cardigans, Bush, Erasure, New Kids on the Block, Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, Jamiroquai

2. 9 Things You're Looking Forward To

Sleeping, getting a job, my next unemployment check, XTC's next album with new material, the Bob and David show in September, sex, cuddling with my cats, cuddling with another person, going on an Ikea shopping spree when I get a job

3. 8 Things You Wear Daily

underwear, bra, watch, necklace, lower retainer (it's been in there for 10 years, I don't think it's ever coming out!), cat fur (between my two boys, they have every color of fur covered, I can't escape it!), a smile (you're never fully dressed without a smile!), socks

4. 7 Things That Annoy You

Hearing food in people's mouth, being unemployed, people walking behind me, loud people on the train, people who never have anything positive to say, people telling me what to do, bills

5. 6 Things You Touch Every Day

Beavis, Huckie, my hair, my stomach, my stereo, my bed

6. 5 Things You Do Every Day

Eat, drink, sleep, kiss my cats, pee

7. 4 People You Want to Spend More Time With

Gwen, Violet, Joe, Troy (the boys are obsessions from many years ago, but I still regret that I didn't spend more time with them)

8. 3 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over

Dazed and Confused, St. Elmo's Fire, The Big Chill

9. 2 Of Your Favorite albums At This Moment

XTC: Black Sea and English Settlement

10. 1 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With


Watching/Hearing/Listening to: XTC/Black Sea/Rocket from a Bottle

before after

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