She will be loved

Tuesday, Aug. 06, 2002

No one's getting fat but Mama Cass

A few nice people have taken the time to sign my guestbook, that's so nice! I need to visit their's and thank them. But first I wanna read their diaries. And I can't just read a few entries, I have to start at the beginning and read all the way through. I'm nosy that way. And that, of course, takes a while. So if you sign my guestbook and I don't sign your's quickly, please don't think I'm a bitch, I'm just getting all up in your life.

I didn't hear anything about the job today. I'm doing my best not to jump to any conclusions. One of my references is on vacation but when you call her, her voicemail just says that she's away from her desk, not that she's on vacation like she's SUPPOSED to say. So maybe they're waiting to hear from her before they make a decision, but they don't know that she won't be in this week. So I'm wondering if I should call them and ask if they'd like a replacement reference. But what if they think that's suspicious? And what if that's not the reason that they haven't called? What if they decided on someone else? I'd hate to find out that I didn't get the job that way. This sucks so bad.

This morning, after my daily dose of ER, I watched the E! True Hollywood Story on Mama Cass. She an interesting person, I'd like to know more about her life. She didn't seem to handle her weight issues while being in the public eye very well. And I can see why, all the people who were interviewed, that's all they talked about. I'd like to think that when you're so talented, intelligent, famous, and rich, people would see beyond your body. Most of the people in her life were rich and famous, though, so I guess those things didn't matter to them. But when you're talented and intelligent, can't people see beyond your body? There are men who like fat bodies, she needed one of those. Not that they're easy to find, I don't know that I've ever met one. But you'd think they'd flock to her. And her bandmates, what bastards. I don't think I could have dealt with being in a band with Michelle Phillips either. She looked all sweet and earthmothery then, but look what she's become, I bet she was just a wolf in sheep's clothing back then.

Ugh, I'm blabbering again. I need work on that.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: The Mamas and the Papas/Best Of/Dream a Little Dream of Me

before after

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