She will be loved


Not much

I passed the last interview and I have another one at the health care company on Tuesday. My pessimism and optimism are in bipolar swings. I'm convinced that I have the skills for the job, I think this will be more about personality and being able to get along with the team members. Data Analyst, I like that title, sounds nice and professional. Data Analyst, I can do that.

I just finished a book called Being Alexander, I think the author's name is Nancy Sparrow. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd get up and look. It was a pretty good book, about a guy named Alex who got framed at work, lost his job, got cheated on and dumped by his girlfriend, and basically got shit on at every corner. So he decides to reinvent himself as Alexander, who uses and abuses his way to the top so that he can seek revenge on all those who hurt him.

It was a good book. It makes me yearn to exact revenge on all those who made my last job hell. It would be fun, but I could never be assertive enough for revenge. It's fun to imagine, though. Shaming and embarrasing Ros would be delightful.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to:

before after

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