She will be loved

Monday, Feb. 23, 2004

Progress Prompt 62 - bizarre weight loss experiences

[62.] Weight loss can be a bizarre experience sometimes. What's the craziest excuse you've made for getting "off the wagon"? What's the most outrageous comment you've received about your weight loss? What's the goofiest diet tip you've received? What's the wierdest weigh-in ritual you've heard about or done?

This is a tough one. I think it's probably easier after you've been dieting or losing weight for awhile.

I haven't been doing this for long and I don't have much experience with dieting in the past. I did Jenny Craig when I was a freshman in high school, for a couple of months, and then 2 years ago when I got my diabetes diagnosis I followed a lowcarb diet for several months. But neither of those were really long term efforts at weight loss, I lost about 15 pounds with Jenny Craig and about the same amount doing the lowcarbing.

And now I've only been doing it for a week, so how can I talk?

So I can't really answer the first 2 questions.

Goofiest dieting tip? Well it wasn't really a tip directed at me, but at my job with the company before this one a bunch of my coworkers believed that if you drank a quart of apple cider vinegar a day that it was the secret to weight loss. I'd sit at my desk and watch them gag and struggle to chug it down. And they didn't lose anything. Ha ha! They were bitches anyway.

Weirdest weigh-in ritual? I was always fascinated by wrestlers in high school who would walk around with a styrofoam cup, spitting in it all day. They thought every little drop they could get out of their body before weigh-in would make a huge difference. I guess they wanted to make it into as low a weight class as possible because the smaller the guy they were up against, the greater their likelihood of winning, or something like that.

I wonder if it ever worked for them?

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Mtv - Real World/Road Rules Inferno
Drinking: twist
Wearing: white bra, light gray undies, tan socks

before after

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