She will be loved

Monday, Jul. 28, 2003

Beavis pee

How sick is it that the one show I most anticipate every week is For Love or Money?

I never ever watch these date-marry-millionaire-beautiful people shows, I'm proud to say that I have never seen any of the Bachelor/ettes, but for some reason this one has sucked me in. I didn't want it to be Erin, I liked Paige much better. I wouldn't like her in real life, but she was presented as so cheesy on the show, that it made her endearing. And actually, Evan was a jackass, so I'm glad he didn't get Paige and then Erin turned him down. Loser! And I like Erin more now that she gets to pick a man. Yay for brunettes!

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: the fan in the bathroom trying to suck up the smell of Beavis urine
Drinking: nothing

before after

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