She will be loved

Saturday, Jun. 21, 2003

I'm back


I'm back!

I finally bought a computer. Amy and I had a fun experience at Best Buy today. You'd think you could walk in with a goal in mind and walk out 20 minutes later with a computer. But no, it took us close to 3 hours. Almost every monitor that was part of a package was out of stock. Very very frustrating.

But I now have a nice new Compaq system and everything is working beautifully so far. I haven't played with the CD burner yet, hopefully that will go smoothly. And I have to hook up my webcam and stuff like that. Fun fun.

So anyway, excuse the absence. Work has been chaotic for the past two weeks. I seem to be everybody's go-to person whenever they have a problem. I'm always so busy helping others that I hardly have any time to get my own work done. It's good for my ego, everyone thinks I'm so smart because I know my way around our systems and databases. Anyway, I barely have enough time to think clearly let alone do anything online.

I gave my parents my last computer because they needed one and I was ready for a new one. It hasn't been so bad not having one, it's not as if I haven't had a zillion other things to get done.

I'm off to do a few now.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Amy watching Trading Spaces
Drinking: diet pesi twist

before after

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