She will be loved

Friday, May. 16, 2003


It's over. A bunch of us went drinking after work, a good time was had by all. Actually, we didn't even wait until work was over. The company ordered a bunch of pizzas for lunch, after that, almost everyone left. I started drinking at 1 and finished at 8:30. I drank more than I ever have, but I never felt drunk. I drank a shitload of beer and midori sours.

The gathering was called "aftermath," I like that, it sounds like we survived a tragedy. We started out at a nearby bar called Streeters then moved up north to Lincoln Park and a bar called Kelsey's.

Luka actually came and stayed until about 5. It was nice to spend some time with him, probably the last time I'll see him. I hugged him a lot when he left. The hugs weren't as nice as I'd hoped, I thought I would swoon if I was ever enveloped in his arms. That's okay, it made it easier to let go.

Although I never felt especially close to most of those people, I get attached easily and it was very sad to say goodbye. Most people don't have jobs lined up, so starting today they're unemployed and basking in the glory. Lucky them and unlucky them, depending on how you look at it. I wouldn't mind still being in bed right now.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: someone in the vast emptiness of this office just cleared his throat
Drinking: diet pepsi twist

before after

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