She will be loved

Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003

what a great start to the day

I so don't want to be at work today. I laid in bed arguing with myself for a few minutes before finally forcing myself up. On the way to the train, I realized that I didn't have my farecard for the train. I checked my wallet and I had $3, just enough for fare to get downtown and back. I figured I'd get money from an ATM because today's payday and I always withdraw a chunk of change on paydays.

On the way to work I walked a couple of blocks out of the way so that I could go to a White Hen to get cash and some little chocolate donuts for breakfast. Got into White Hen and the ATM was out of order. Fuckers.

So I walk a couple of more blocks to Walgreens. Stand in line and start digging through my purse. No fucking ATM card.

Get to the building where I work and guess what? Of course, I don't have my key card. Fortunately, I have my state id so that I can get a visitor's pass and at least operate the elevators. But I can't get through the doors into our office space so I have to knock on the door like an idiot everytime I leave the office.

Where is all this stuff? In the pocket of my jeans, of course, just where it should be. Fucking great.

I knew I should've spent today in bed.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Kate training
Drinking: nothing

before after

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