She will be loved

Friday, Feb. 07, 2003

no change

I doubt that I'll lose any weight by my birthday. I've been working on controlling the binging, but it's hard. I've managed to stop binging on sweets, but I still often eat "regular" food all night long. My blood sugars have been good, but I keep my monitor at work so I don't know how high it goes at night. But they stay around 100 during the day, so I'm happy with that. I've been pretty good with exercise. I'm not doing anything strenuous, either walk aerobics tapes or walking on lunch, but it's something. I've exercised almost everyday, only maybe two days in two weeks that I haven't. I'm proud of that, but it's not making any difference on the scale or in the tightness of my pants.

I'm going to keep going, exercising and slowly making changes to my diet. It worked so well for me last spring, I don't know why it isn't changing me now. Gotta keep doing it, though.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Luka and Paul on their phones

before after

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