She will be loved

Saturday, Aug. 10, 2002

And again

Aw, heck here's another one, from the same place. To be completed later. (completed at 6 am that night/the next morning)

1. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?
eyes and smile

2. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?

3. Would you marry for money?
nope - one of the reasons that my mother married my father (so she says) is that she thought he would be very succesful because he graduated from Harvard and was finishing his MBA at Northwestern Kellogg (the best MBA program in the country, at the time). It was probably one of the biggest mistakes in her life. Book smarts don't translate into common sense, and common sense will get you a lot further. Not exactly the same as marrying for money, but it is morally, I believe.

4. Have you had braces?

5. Do you pluck your eyebrows?
no - I get them waxed, pretty much the only beauty treatment I splurge on

6. Do you ever cut or hurt yourself?
not intentionally. No wait, a few times that I've felt particularly stupid, I've repeatedly punched myself in the forehead.

7. When was the last time you had a hickey?

8. Could you live without a computer?

9. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc...?
nope - I've tried them but the social pressure is too tiresome. My social anxiety extends to computers.

10. If so, how many people are on your list(s)?

11. If you could live in any past time period, which would it be?
I wouldn't mind having been a young adult in 60's or a teenager in the 80's

12. Do you drink enough water?
not usually

13. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?
I wear shoes any time that I'm standing

14. What is your favorite fruit?

15. Do you eat wheat bread or white?
I don't eat bread, only crispbread

16. What is your favorite place to visit?
San Francisco, CA

17. What is the last movie you saw?
I watched Reality Bites a week or two ago.

18. Do you kiss on the first date?
I believe that I would

19. Are you photogenic?
No way. Or if I am, then I look even worse than I believe I do, scary thought.

20. Do you dream in color or black and white?

21. Are you wearing fingernail polish?

23. Do you have any dimples?
no, but I have a cleft chin

24. Do you remember being born?

25. Why do you take surveys?
so that people who read them can learn about me

26. Do you drink alcohol?
If I'm abstaining from pot, like I am now, then I'm a social drinker. It takes a lot to get me drunk, and I see no point in it unless I'm going to get drunk. I'm the kind of person who sips at her first drink for an hour, then suddenly chugs 5 drinks down in 10 minutes.

27. Did you like or do you like high school?
Parts of it, yes, but mostly, no. I loved junior high, though.

28. What is the most beautiful language?
I think all languages are frustrating, not beautiful

29. When you are asleep do you like being kissed awake?
Sounds delicious. I'm sure that I would.

30. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?

31. Do you want to live to be 100?

32. Do you think women should be expected to shave their body hair?
I think everyone should

33. Do you like salty food or sugary food the most?

34. Is a flat stomach important to you?

35. Do you or have you played with a ouija board?
Yes, in 8th or 9th grade

36. Are you loyal?

37. Are you tolerant of other people's beliefs?

38. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?
Off, but I leave them on when other people are there

39. Do you believe in magic?
Ya know, John Sebastian just asked me that question the other day. Yeah, I guess so.

40. Do you have nightmares frequently?
I have very strange dreams, but not nightmares. I can't even think of a nightmare that I've had.

41. Do you like your nose?
No, it's a big German nose.

42. Do you like abstract art?
Some, I guess.

43. Do you think you can draw well?
I like to draw mazes, and I'm pretty awesome at them. I can't draw anything else.

44. Do you listen to music daily?
I'd lose my mind if I didn't

45. Do you like to watch cartoons?
Not especially

46. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?
What? Santa Claus is real.

47. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?
I don't have a closet. There are 12 pairs in my coatroom, 1 pair on my feet, and one pair next to my bed. There are only 3 that I wear regularly though. I'm not a shoe person, I'm amazed that I have as many as I do.

48. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?
pretty much the same everyday

49. Do you write poetry?

50. Do you snore?
I've been told I do once or twice, but most people tell me I don't.

51. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?
side, hugging a body pillow to hold me in in place

52. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
neither - cats rule, dogs drool

53. Do you lick stamps?
if it's a stamp that needs to be licked

54. Do you use an electric can opener?
no, I use a special one that removes the lid instead of cutting into it

55. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon?
no, but I'd love to

56. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
normally I'd say emotional, but I've had some physical pain this summer that's hurt worse than I ever imagined

57. Do you think balding men should shave their heads?
I think it's sexy when they do, but it's not necessary

58. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?

59. Do you prefer a piano or a violin?

60. Are you a sex addict?
I'm sure that I would be if I knew what it was like

61. Do you know someone who has cancer?
my grandmother died of stomach cancer

63. Do you hunt?
Yeah, right. No thanks.

64. Do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants?
both, but I haven't been to too many expensive restaurants

65. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
Zoo. Although if Eric Stoltz took me to an art museum and showed me a picture he painted of me, I'd melt.

66. Do you have a middle name?

67. Are you basically a happy person?
no, but I am a positive person

68. Are you tired?

69. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?
Oh yeah, like 5 Pepsis and it's only 6 am

70. Have you ever met anyone off the internet?
I've been with friends when they've met people, but I never have personally

71. How many phones do you have in your house?
just one

72. How long is your hair?
chin length

73. Do you get along with your parents?
now I do

74. What color of eyes do you prefer?
hazel, but all colors can be nice

75. Are you a virgin?
you bet I am

76. What medications do you take?
celexa and glucophage XR

77. What does your bedroom look like?
A dining room. The bed area, which I intend to curtain off when I get around to it, is just a twin bed and a powder blue nightstand. I hate getting crap under the bed, so it's just a mattress on top of a bedspring. I really like it this way, it's my bed from my parents house and I adamantly refused to take the bedframe. I also like having a small bed, my parents really wanted to buy me a full or queen, I refused. If it was any bigger, I'd always have crap on half of it, and I only want enough room for me, my cats, my pillows, and my two bears. At the head of the bed is a gray and blue wallhanging that my brother gave me 8 years ago. At the foot is a radiator, with a wallhanging above it of a sun that turns into a glow-in-the-dark moon, and above that is a black and white poster of 5 pictures of James Dean. Currently, my blanket is yellow, my fitted sheet is gray, and my pillowcases are light blue, light purple, light pink, dark pink, hot pink paisley, purple and blue paisley, and light yellow. I like my bedding to clash as much as possible, it comforts me. All my bedding is flannel or t-shirt jersey material, as comfortable as can be. My bed is my oasis.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: XTC/English Settlement/No Thugs in Our House

before after

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